Friday, August 13, 2010

It's a Crime to be Mentally Ill in Maryland

Here's something to write about:   BROKEN BRAINS

Too many individuals with brain disorders (panic attack, post traumatic stress syndrome, depression, bipolar behavior, schizophrenic episodes, etc.) are often taken to jail, rather than to a hospital.  Most police officers, correctional employees, and parole and probation agents have not had training to deal with people who are not "normal."  Even though the law assumes you are mentally competent to stand trial, the bar is set so low, that you can be mentally competent and mentally ill, at the same time.

What experiences have you had with loved ones or friends who were dragged off to courts and jails when what they really needed was help with mental issues?  Was the JetBlue flight attendant having an episode when he launched the plane's slide to escape an insulting passenger?  Have you ever suspected that someone you know needed mental health assistance?

Lois Fisher, chief attorney for the mental health division of Maryland's public defender's office told the Washington Post (January 29, 2007) that "There is no more expensive way to access the mental health system than through the court system."  She says that the lack of prompt screening, referrals, and comprehensive care will "increase the likelihood that patients will wind up getting in trouble with the law"

Is that true?  Is that really true?  How do you know?

It's time to bring mental illness to the front burner and start talking about it out loud.  One way to do that is to start writing and to share your stories.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How to Write...

Right Now... WRITE!!!

What's your story?  How have you coped?  How did you get over?  How did you become a success?  What tips would you give to others who might want to be like you?  Life is full of challenges... and goodness.  How will your loved ones know the extent to which you made a difference?  Are you writing things down?  If you haven't, here are some tips.

ASK QUESTIONS OF YOUR STRESSFUL THOUGHTS.  Is it really true that you failed/succeeded?  What affect does this thought have on you; how does it make you feel?  Who would you be if you didn't believe this thought?

TELL YOUR STORY.  How did you become religious, political, or safe.  Who taught you how to survive?  What choices have you made that might inspire others?  Your story does not have to be chronological or even true.  It can be FICTION and based on your imagination or it can be NON-FICTION and based upon real people, doing real things, in real places.

Your writing does not have to be perfect.  It just needs to be done.  Let's get started!

Publishing Your Book...


Glory Days Group Publishing2day is here to help you get your book published at reasonable rates.  In 3-4 months, you can have 500 or more copies of your book available for distribution.  When you sell your books at $10 or more dollars, all of the profit is yours! And, instead of getting 4-5 books, as most POD (Print-On-Demand) services provide, you get all of the books published.  Instead of having to purchase your books from a POD company, you already own them.  And, instead of paying up front $3,000 or more and buying all future books from the POD publisher, Glory Days Group Publishing2day gives you more for less.  As a new author, you pay a $1500 flat fee plus a book printing fee (typically $800) AND that's it.  You own your books, you sell your books, and your profits cover the costs you put out to have your book published.

So, if you've ever said - "I should write a book" - now is the time and here is the way to do it.

Call GDG Publishing today at 410-766-0005 or write us at:


Glory Days Group Publishing2Day... is at your service!

We are here to help you tell your story, get your book ready for printing, and finally, become a published author.  Every family should have a written history so that stories are shared with loved ones.  What's your testimony?  How did you get over?

Your Biography is your History...

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need experience to write a book.  The number one thing you need is - IMAGINATION.