If you want to write... write! Write daily, write often, write, write, write. The hardest thing for someone who wants to write: beginning. Writing takes energy, imagination, focus, time, among other things.
Here's a timely example of a young author who got the words out of his head and down on paper. You can too!
In August 2013, David published his first book called Melancholy Songs. The 54-page book is available on Amazon and is particularly poignant when read out loud.
You can find more from the Bowie, Maryland author and poet on his Blog (daviddewaters.com) where he describes his work and reasons for writing. Readers are also invited to share their thoughts and questions. It only takes a quick read to feel truth and authenticity when David shares the following on his Blog.
Since my poems are largely focused on the topic of depression, I can definitely sense a part of me wanting to legitimize my depressed feelings, and not have people shrug them off or look down upon them.” (March 2014)
A Wheel Out of Kilter
I need to find that clarity of thought—
That thought that does present itself to me
On rare occasions—if I wish to paint
For you a portrait of my mind and soul.…So desperately do I desire it:—David DeWaters, Untitled Poem
This clarity of thought. I know that this
Unbalances me. It unravels me,
To yearn for that not meant to be sustained.
These lines are from the poem that I’m currently working on. There is a Buddhist idea at work here, particularly in the second half. To quote from a book called Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steven Hagen, “Our problem comes from what the Buddha described as ‘inclination of mind.’ The mind tends to lean in one direction or another because, out of ignorance, it sees something ‘out there’ which it then craves. ‘I want that back,’ ‘I want that now,’ or ‘I don’t want that anymore. Push it away, get rid of it.’ Either way, we define what we want or don’t want as something separate from us.” The book also goes on to say “Don’t strive for some special state of mind. There is no special state of mind. If you strive for some special state of mind you’ll only disturb your mind.”
So, similar to my previous post about William Blake’s poem, I am recognizing a flaw within myself. A flaw that I’m aware of, and that has even been pointed out to me in things that I’ve read.
I can see how constantly writing about my flaws may seem pessimistic, but I believe it is the opposite. It is only through the recognition of such flaws that one can then eventually work on them.
David DeWaters makes you think. And, he clearly demonstrates what can happen when you put words down on paper and begin to have conversations with your self and others about what you've written. May you writing journey begin soon.
Coach Glo